If You Have Had One Miscarriage Are You More Likely to Miscarriage Again

I stepped out of Oxford Circus tube into mid-morn crowds and common cold, bright sunshine. The consultant'south words were still ringing in my ears. "Nothing." How could the respond be null? This was January 2018, half dozen months since my third miscarriage, a symptomless, rather businesslike affair, diagnosed at an early browse. The previous November, I'd undergone a series of investigations into possible reasons why I'd lost this baby and the two before it.

That morning, we had gone to discuss the results at the specialist NHS clinic nosotros'd been referred to after officially joining the one in 100 couples who lose three or more than pregnancies. I had barely removed my coat before the medico started rattling off the things I had tested negative for: antiphospholipid antibodies, lupus anticoagulant, Factor V Leiden, prothrombin gene mutation.

"I know information technology doesn't experience like it, but this is adept news," he said, while the hopeful role of me crumpled. We were not going to go a magic wand, a cure, a different-coloured pill to attempt next time.

Now, my hubby, Dan, was dorsum at work and, for reasons I can't really explain, I had decided to have myself shopping rather than go home after the appointment. I stood staring downwards the flat, grey frontages of Topshop and NikeTown and willed my feet to unstick themselves from the pavement.

I concluded upwardly wandering the beauty hall of one of London'south more than famous section stores. I let myself exist persuaded to attempt a new facial, which uses "medical-course lasers" to evaporate pollution and dead skin cells from pores to "rejuvenate" and "transform" your complexion. Upstairs in the handling room, the course I was handed asked if I'd had any surgery in the past yr. I wrote in tight, cramped messages that half-dozen months ago I had an operation to remove the remains of a pregnancy, under general anaesthetic. When I handed the clipboard back to the beautician, she didn't mention it. I wished that she would.

Equally I lay back and felt the hot ping of the laser dotting beyond my brow, I thought how ridiculous this all was; that this laser-facial is something humans have figured out how to do. How has someone, somewhere, in a lab or the boardroom of a cosmetics conglomerate, conceived of this – a solution to a problem that barely exists – and yet no i tin tell me why I tin can't carry a baby?

There is no doctor who can reverse a miscarriage. Generally, according to medical literature, in one case i starts, it cannot be prevented. When I read these words for the first fourth dimension, three years agone, after Googling "bleeding in early pregnancy", a few days earlier what should have been our 12-week scan, I felt cheated. Cheated, because when you're meaning you lot are bombarded with instructions that are supposed to prevent this very thing. No soft cheese for y'all. No drinking, either. Don't smoke, limit your caffeine intake, no cleaning out the true cat's litter tray. I had causeless, naively, that this meant we knew how to preclude miscarriage these days, that we understood why information technology happened and what caused it; that information technology could be avoided if you followed the rules.

Y'all learn very chop-chop that the truth is more complicated. After a miscarriage, no medic asks yous how much coffee y'all drank or if you accidentally ate any nether-cooked meat. Instead you find that miscarriage is judged to be largely unavoidable. An estimated one in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage, with the majority occurring earlier the 12-calendar week marking. 70-one per cent of people who lose a pregnancy aren't given a reason, according to a 2019 survey by the infant charity Tommy's. You are told – repeatedly – that it'southward "just bad luck", "just one of those things", "just nature'southward manner".

Merely, merely, simply. A fatalistic shrug of a word. But this is not the whole story. "There is this myth out there that every miscarriage that occurs is considering there's some profound problem with the pregnancy, that in that location'southward nothing that can be washed," says Arri Coomarasamy, a professor of gynaecology and reproductive medicine, and manager of the Uk's National Centre for Miscarriage Research, which was set upward by Tommy's in 2016. "Science is trying to unpick that myth."

Unfortunately, the roots of this myth run deep. Information technology's an idea reinforced by the social convention that you shouldn't reveal a pregnancy until subsequently 12 weeks, once the highest gamble of miscarriage has passed. It goes unchallenged thanks to age-quondam squeamishness and shame around women'south bodies, and our collective ineloquence on matters of grief. The bloody, untimely finish of a pregnancy sits at the eye of a perfect Venn diagram of things that make us uncomfortable: sex, expiry and periods.

An impression persists that, while unfortunate, miscarriages are soon forgotten once some other babe arrives – that you'll go there eventually. It's true that the majority of people who take a miscarriage volition continue to have a successful pregnancy when they next excogitate (about 80%, one study carried out in the 1980s found). Fifty-fifty among couples who have had three miscarriages in a row, for more than one-half, the side by side pregnancy volition be successful. Appropriately, the prevailing logic seems to be that not simply is miscarriage something that cannot exist fixed – it doesn't need to be stock-still. At that place is little enquiry or funding for trials, and only glancing attention from the healthcare system. What is non existence heard, in all this, is that miscarriage matters.

T here is a magical feeling that comes on after a miscarriage, I have constitute. A semi-delusional state that lasts for days, sometimes weeks, afterwards. After each one of mine (and there accept been 4 now), I've caught myself assertive I am still meaning, despite all prove to the opposite – the trips to A&E, the blood, the still ultrasounds, the forms labelled "sensitive disposal of pregnancy remains".

bubbles spot illustration
Illustration: Harriet Lee-Merrion

It starts in the mornings. For a moment, stuck somewhere between sleeping and waking, I won't accept remembered, and, briefly, I'one thousand still happy. Pregnant. When the telephone rings, for a split up second I'll imagine it is the infirmary calling to tell me there has been a error. A botch. They've got the results: I am, in fact, still pregnant. Or my husband will say, casually, over dinner, "Oh do you desire to hear some good news?" and I'll think: he's going to tell me I'm pregnant.

It is the shock, I remind myself, the trauma: information technology leads to atheism. Like feeling that the loved i who has died is about to walk through the front door any minute and sit in their favourite chair. This inability to take reality seems logical to me – inevitable, even – when there is no caption for what has happened. The brain wants to solve problems, to make meaning.

At that place are very few specialist miscarriage clinics in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. Some people terminate up being seen past a general gynaecologist or sent to a fertility clinic. More often than not, doctors volition only agree to look for a possible cause of miscarriages in one case you have had 3 in a row. Fifty-fifty after investigations, which in NHS centres tend to look for structural problems with the womb and for blood-clotting disorders, around half of people will never be given a reason for their losses. There aren't even official guidelines on preventing miscarriage – but on its diagnosis and "direction".

With no answers to your questions – why did it happen? Will it happen once again? – you are cut adrift in a sea of recommendations from women on Mumsnet, individual doctors, people offering fertility supplements, herbalists and nutritionists, and from cult all-time-sellers that promise to tell you how to improve the quality of your eggs. It's been more than than 40 years since embryologist Jean Purdy watched as a single-cell embryo in a petri dish divided into two, and then four, and so viii cells that would become the world'south outset IVF baby. Humans have worked out how to intervene in order to create life in a lab, but not how to sustain information technology in the earliest weeks inside the trunk. The stage between conception and an ongoing pregnancy, visible on an ultrasound scan (at around six weeks) is sometimes referred to as the "blackness box" of human development.

Co-ordinate to Prof Nick Macklon, medical director of the London Women's Clinic and an expert in miscarriage and early pregnancy, the reason there'southward been then picayune progress is that we've been request the incorrect questions. "We utilize the term 'recurrent miscarriage' as if it were a medical diagnosis, yet at that place isn't one single medical cause," he said. Some women may take a blood-clotting disorder; for others, a contributing factor could exist thyroid dysfunction. Many women who miscarry appear non to have an underlying health condition at all; instead, their bodies seem to exist less able to discern what is and isn't a viable embryo. Yet studies of possible preventative treatments tend to recruit their subjects as if all recurrent miscarriages have the same cause.

This, in Macklon's view, is likely to explicate why several big, quality trials of possible treatments to reduce the adventure of miscarriage, such equally heparin (a blood thinner) and aspirin, as well as the hormone progesterone, have failed to evidence any clear do good, and accept subsequently been dismissed past the medical community. Some of these treatments may in fact work for some women, but, Macklon says, "considering of the style the written report is designed, it comes out as not working overall".

A related problem lies in the mistaken assumption that most (if non all) miscarriages happen considering the pregnancy was doomed to fail. In half of all miscarriages, the embryo will accept a serious chromosomal abnormality that ways information technology could never survive, merely the other half are believed to be good for you embryos. Prof Siobhan Quenby, a consultant obstetrician at University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire, heads up a specialist clinic into recurrent miscarriage, i of iv centres that course Tommy'south National Centre for Miscarriage Enquiry. The key question, she believes, is establishing whether someone is repeatedly losing chromosomally normal or abnormal pregnancies. "Everyone from their third miscarriage onwards should have their miscarriage tissue tested genetically," she said.

All the same admission to genetic testing is patchy. Not all NHS hospitals tin exercise this kind of testing on site. If someone miscarries at dwelling, the onus is on them to collect a clean sample of the tissue and take it to their hospital within 24 hours. This may not exist something they can do – or even know about.

Quenby is a celebrity in the world of recurrent miscarriage patients. Her name oft crops upwardly in the "miracle baby" stories that make the papers, with headlines such every bit "Infant joy for couple who lost 13 babies to miscarriages". Her particular area of interest is how the lining of the womb behaves in early pregnancy – and how it might contribute to miscarriage. She is one of the authors of a study published in January 2020, which found that a repurposed diabetes drug, sitagliptin, could reduce the risk of miscarriage by boosting the number of stem cells in the womb lining. These cells are responsible for renewing the lining and reducing inflammation. "Information technology's nevertheless only a small pilot trial, simply information technology is fantastically exciting," Quenby told me. "Information technology'due south the first time in a long time that there's been a potential new drug treatment."

Quenby is convinced it'due south not and so much the treatment options that are defective, only the volition to try them. "It'south the opposite of 'we can't do anything'," she said. "At that place are tons of things we tin can effort now." Still, as a miscarriage patient, you lot run upwards confronting the dilemma that recurrent miscarriage is non a diagnosis in itself, and then the difficulty is in establishing which treatment is most appropriate to you. Even with the assistance of the about motivated of doctors, there is going to be a degree of trial and error.

Many people will be told, as nosotros were, that the best treatment is no treatment – merely try again. This is what we did, only to miscarry for a quaternary time. We were under the supervision of the recurrent-miscarriage clinic, withal fifty-fifty after that fourth loss, the prescription remained the same: merely keep trying.

It took us a year before we felt ready to roll the die over again. Shortly later I started researching this piece, in November, I constitute out I was pregnant for the 5th time.

illustration of pregnant woman and male partner with scene around them falling apart
Illustration: Harriet Lee-Merrion

T o be pregnant again later on previous miscarriages is to live at the fork of ii culling lives. Y'all try to think as little equally possible about what'south going on inside your trunk, while, of form, thinking about it all the time. Alive or dead? Infant or miscarriage? In every possible scenario, you lot program for the two outcomes. To a certain extent, you are forced to purchase into both possibilities simultaneously. Y'all cannot truly believe it will work out, but you have to go along as though you are pregnant anyway, until a scan proves otherwise. Alive and dead. Schrödinger's foetus.

You treat yourself as your own walking enquiry report: a sample of one. Perhaps you take a different make of prenatal vitamin. Or you do different exercise. You do no exercise at all. You lot drink less caffeine. Yous drink no caffeine at all. You are more careful. You are less careful, considering you've been unimpeachably careful earlier and look where it got you. Mostly, though, yous just await.

Why hasn't miscarriage medicine moved faster or further? Why isn't there more certainty about what works and what doesn't? The kickoff detailed depictions of a human embryo's evolution, from iii weeks to iv months, were produced by the German anatomist Samuel Thomas Soemmerring in 1799, and the images are remarkably similar to graphics used in calendar week-by-week pregnancy apps today. Yet a precise schema of measurements to date the stages of early pregnancy – between seven and 16 weeks – wasn't established in modern clinical do until 1973, with the advent of ultrasound imaging. Nosotros had put a man on the moon before we could routinely see, in real fourth dimension, what was happening inside a woman'southward womb.

Pregnancy research, in general, is underfunded. A contempo research review, published in January 2020, institute that for every £1 spent on pregnancy care in the NHS, less than 1p is spent on pregnancy research. "Compared to other areas – such as infertility – miscarriage has certainly lagged backside," said Arri Coomarasamy, who sees patients in both fields.

"Miscarriage gets a bad deal," agreed Hassan Shehata, a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist, who runs the Heart for Reproductive Immunology and Pregnancy, in Epsom, Surrey. "For a showtime, there is no specialist training," he said. When you lot railroad train as a gynaecologist, you can specialise in sub-fields such as infertility and IVF, only there is no specific speciality in miscarriage, he explained.

There are also practical difficulties to conducting studies. "Pregnancy is difficult to research as, by its nature, studying it might disrupt it," Nick Macklon told me. This means you're ofttimes left with retrospective population information (easily skewed by multiple factors), or studying donated embryo or foetal tissue (tightly restricted for ethical reasons – and prohibited altogether past "personhood" laws in some parts of the United states, which insist on burying or cremation of all pregnancy tissue).

Even when man trials of treatments are feasible, in that location is the challenge of persuading women who are desperate to avoid another miscarriage to sign up to a written report in which they might exist given the placebo. As Ippokratis Sarris, a consultant in reproductive medicine and manager of King's Fertility, a private fertility clinic in London, put it: "It'due south very difficult to do a proper trial – people want to take something they think might work. How do yous tell them they can't accept it until at that place is good evidence?"

Now that I was significant once again, there was one treatment I was desperate to attempt. Progesterone has long been the great hope of miscarriage enquiry. This "pro-gestation" hormone is produced in higher quantities during pregnancy by a woman's ovaries (and, after on, past the placenta). It is essential throughout pregnancy and helps prepare the womb lining, although scientists don't however understand the precise mechanisms by which it does this. In May 2019, a big, multi-center trial of progesterone, given in early pregnancy – the Prism trial – found that for women with a history of recurrent miscarriage who had started bleeding during their next pregnancy, taking progesterone made a significant departure to the alive nativity charge per unit, compared with a placebo.

I was prepared to fence the toss for progesterone with my doctors this fourth dimension around. I knew the new evidence didn't perfectly fit our circumstances. I wasn't haemorrhage in this pregnancy, for one thing. To my surprise, the female physician nosotros saw at the clinic for our commencement appointment, in the first month of this pregnancy, agreed to prescribe it without so much as a raised countenance. It was non the showtime time I have asked about some speculative treatment, merely it was the offset fourth dimension the dispensary had agreed.

As Dan and I joined the queue at the infirmary pharmacy, tucked away in a grimy building in Paddington, I felt I was property on to something bigger than the printed prescription in my hand. For the first fourth dimension, we had something, afterwards being told that in that location was nothing.

And so less than a week later, at 8 weeks significant, I started to drain.

T hither are therapies for miscarriage that have been available privately for well over a decade, nevertheless are no closer to condign mainstream medicine or available on the NHS. Where questions remain over the evidence, individual clinics can go alee and offer treatment anyway – something the NHS cannot do.

bubbles spot illustration
Illustration: Harriet Lee-Merrion

One therapy bachelor at a handful of private clinics – lymphocyte immunisation therapy (LIT), in which a woman is given a transfusion of white blood cells from their male partner before she becomes meaning – has been banned in the Us, outside of a research setting. Such treatments belong to a field known as reproductive immunology, and stalk from work in the 80s and 90s by an American obstetrician, Alan Beer, who once summed upward his theory in the following mode: "Effectively, women become serial killers of their own babies."

The idea is that miscarriage can exist caused past a hyper-vigilant immune system that misrecognises the symptoms of pregnancy as a threat. In these cases, treatment may involve suppressing the immune system using steroids or intralipids (essentially an emulsion of soybean oil and egg yolk, given intravenously, sometimes referred to every bit the "mayonnaise" or "egg-yolk" drip). Clinics charge upwardly to £50,000 for such treatments. Yet, all just one of the experts I spoke to expressed scepticism about their effectiveness.

Funding high-quality trials is specially hard when it comes to treatments that target the immune arrangement, considering, according to Quenby, in the past there has been a trend to over-hype the results.

Quenby believes our agreement of miscarriage would improve if we considered it as a public health consequence, as nosotros exercise stillbirth and neonatal deaths. Both of these are more common where at that place are high levels of social deprivation, and information technology'due south likely the same is truthful of miscarriage rates, as well. Though, currently, infirmary trusts are not required to report the charge per unit in their expanse.

But like periods, female hurting, the menopause and conditions such every bit endometriosis, which also want for expert research and understanding, it's hard not to conclude that miscarriage suffers from a lack of knowledge and involvement considering information technology happens to female person bodies. What's more than, the underlying supposition tends to be that miscarriage is e'er down to something a woman'due south body is or isn't doing.

In 2019, researchers at Majestic College London institute that partners of women who have had three or more than miscarriages tend to take higher levels of harm to their sperm's DNA. The trial was small, comparing the sperm of 50 men whose partners had had miscarriages with 60 men whose partners had not. The results volition need to exist replicated. And before whatsoever possible treatments tin can be trialled, researchers need to institute what causes such Dna damage.

Notwithstanding, Quenby said, "The fact that we're even looking at it is really of import." Traditionally, men and their contribution to the pregnancy have been largely left out of the picture. In the past 3 years, while I have been scanned and probed and pricked for multiple phials of blood, bated from completing a course outlining his bones medical history when we were referred to the recurrent-miscarriage clinic, Dan has not been required to so much as cough and say "ah".

Westward hen I discovered I was bleeding, I did a desperate search online for answers. I decided I was either having my fifth miscarriage – or, merely possibly, the intermittent, brownish spotting was a side event of the progesterone. I knew I should telephone the recurrent miscarriage clinic, or my GP, or try to get an date for a scan at my nearest early pregnancy unit of measurement. But I couldn't acquit to. I was non set up to talk practicalities just nonetheless, and there was no one at the clinic to call for the sake of talking. Too, we were due to become back for a scan the following week.

In the following days, the haemorrhage didn't stop, but it didn't go worse, either. Even so, I couldn't shake the idea that, at eight weeks meaning, this was the verbal same point I had miscarried the terminal three times. Dan and I made our contingencies. It was early Dec, and nosotros were due to motility house in a few days, and we discussed how nosotros would fit surgery effectually the move, if it turned out to exist bad news. I bought sanitary pads and vino. We pretended we were sanguine. We pretended nosotros knew how nosotros would cope. "We're pros now," nosotros joked. I barely slept the night before the appointment.

On four December, my mum came with the states to the hospital and managed to continue up a steady patter about her cycling, her knitting and the roadworks on the A14 while nosotros waited. I knew she wanted to distract me. But the only words my brain had space for were the ones I was convinced I was about to hear for a fifth time: I'k so sorry in that location is no heartbeat. I'chiliad so lamentable there is no heartbeat.

When nosotros were finally called in for the scan, I explained to the sonographer that I was anxious. That I'd been bleeding. I tried not to look at the print on the wall of the room – the same room we were in final time – of a red heart, printed in swirly faux-brushstrokes. I tried not to think what I idea last time: how fucking inappropriate that is. A heart, for when there is no heartbeat.

I lay down on the bed and unbuttoned my jeans. Dan held my paw. I was braced for the words: So pitiful. Then sad. Except they didn't come up. The sonographer was telling us that everything looked fine. She turned the screen towards us, and she was pointing out the flickering heartbeat. She was telling usa that I was measuring in at nine weeks and one day. The babe was moving. And I was crying.

D id I dare to believe that the progesterone was actually working? The possibility loomed in my listen that our miscarriages really had been "just" bad luck all forth. At least ane of our losses was down to a chromosomal abnormality known as a triploidy: essentially an extra set of chromosomes. One cause of this is an egg being fertilised by two sperm at once – as random and unavoidable as that.

Most two weeks later on it started, the haemorrhage waned and our clinic suggested it was fourth dimension we transferred to our local hospital for antenatal care and the 12-calendar week dating scan. (This is normally the first scan people have on the NHS, at the cease of the first trimester, and it'due south used to check the foetus's wellness and approximate the due date.) On the one hand, this felt like an accomplishment – we had never fabricated information technology this far before – merely on the other, it meant leaving the relative security of the specialist clinic, where everyone understands why yous don't want to think further alee than the next appointment.

Feeling like fledglings pushed from the nest, we had to brave the official NHS booking-in appointment, which involved giving our medical histories to the local midwifery team and some routine screening tests. We take done this twice before, during previous pregnancies, when we knew and worried less. Ii days subsequently the 2nd one, I bled out the tiny embryo on our bed at home. I hadn't dared make this detail engagement since.

We got our all-important appointment for the dating browse, a little over two weeks away – delayed slightly by the Christmas break. Time passed twitchily. We congratulated ourselves for non miscarrying on Christmas Eve, on Christmas Day, on Boxing Day.

On 30 Dec, six hours before the scan, I read a note from the hospital that said y'all have to pay £5 for a re-create of the browse photo. Fleetingly, I debated getting some cash out, but decided this would be jinxing things. At the hospital, I squeaked my name to the receptionist. We were early. This may have been our 12-week scan, simply it had taken us 48 weeks of pregnancy to get hither. I actually wasn't certain if I could look another 20 minutes.

I had my spiel prepared for the sonographer – "a bit anxious" … "four miscarriages".

"Thanks for telling me," she said, every bit I lay down. There was the briefest of pauses. "OK, here'southward your baby."

Whereas in previous pregnancies there had only been cavernous blackness on the ultrasound monitor, now there was wobbling movement; the grey outline of a caput and a tiny, round stomach – a waving, wondrous sea creature emerging from the dark.

"They're a wriggler," the sonographer told us, smiling. I gripped Dan's hand and we watched as the baby – I volition endeavor to telephone call information technology a baby from at present on – somersaulted for us. For the get-go fourth dimension, we left an antenatal unit of measurement with a browse photograph and stepped out into entirely new territory.

On xiv March, we hitting 24 weeks, which is deemed the signal of "viability" – that is, when a foetus is theoretically capable of surviving outside the womb. Whatever was going to happen to united states from at present on, it would not be classified equally a miscarriage. Keeping this babe live would no longer exist down to my body alone. Should anything happen, doctors would have to at least attempt to arbitrate. These were non comforting thoughts exactly, but they were something.

Ten days later, the whole of the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland went into coronavirus lockdown. The weekend we had quietly celebrated reaching viability also turned out to be the concluding weekend I would encounter anyone but my husband or a healthcare professional person for a long fourth dimension.

T he initial days of confinement were softened past action and grooming: batch-cooking, arranging deliveries, cancelling plans. I comforted myself by reading the official Covid-nineteen guidance from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists over and over: "There is no evidence to suggest an increased risk of miscarriage … Pregnant women are still no more likely to contract coronavirus than the general population."

Slowly, though, every bit I watched the number of reported cases and deaths ascension, marooned on the sofa at home, fearfulness seeped under the door. Not a solar day has gone by, since finding out I was meaning once again, that I take not worried that my baby might die. But now, during a global pandemic, those nebulous anxieties hardened into something nameable. The shadow on the nursery wall had taken a solid shape.

I woke up one night in the showtime calendar week of lockdown feeling hot, my pharynx tight. This is it, I idea – I've caught information technology. I had barely been outside for a fortnight, though I did get my hair cut a few days earlier lockdown was alleged. And and then the taunt went round and around in my head, as I stared at the ceiling unable to slumber: your infant could die, and all for the sake of your split ends. In the rational light of day (and feeling fine), I concluded information technology had probably been heartburn.

The earth shrank. I baked bread and planted herbs. I silenced notifications and deleted social media accounts from my telephone. I tracked my daily steps and counted my infant'due south kicks using an app. Mixed in with the fear and stress of doubtfulness, there was also a guilty kind of sadness for the things I would not get to do – things I had dreamed of for so long: a "concluding" holiday as a couple, showing off my bump in my first maternity dress, meeting new "mum friends" for coffee.

People phoned to ask how nosotros were coping, but it felt selfish to admit to such minor sadnesses, when there were bigger worries: for my brother, who had to postpone his wedding; for my cousin, who is a nurse; for our iv grandmothers, who all live lone. Then there were the worries of people I don't know, but who could and so easily have been us: those who have had their fertility treatment cancelled, or who volition be told they have miscarried during scan appointments they take had to nourish alone, in order to protect other patients and NHS staff. At the time of writing, hospitals were being advised not to offering extra scans in early pregnancy, fifty-fifty for people with a history of miscarriages.

On 17 April, week iv of lockdown, I attended an appointment for a 28-week routine growth scan by myself, while Dan, post-obit the new rules, waited in the automobile. A security guard at the door checked my name off a list. The sonographer and midwife I saw wore masks and visors, while the physician conducted my appointment from the opposite end of the consulting room. I projected my voice, similar a bad stage player: "No, no family history of diabetes", and so on.

On some days, it has felt as though the pandemic has brought my feel of pregnancy closer to the curve of normality. For so long, I had felt as if I was only playing at pregnancy, like a pocket-size girl with a cushion up her jumper. I couldn't trust that I would get to do things other pregnant women take for granted. Merely then, suddenly, no one else was going to antenatal classes, throwing baby showers or browsing department stores for the perfect pram either.

The temptation, when you get to where we are now, yet meaning after so many losses – and in the shadow of loss on a global calibration – is to start talking virtually miracles. But I don't believe in phenomenon babies whatsoever more than. I believe we should be able to put our faith in the bear witness, in noesis of how our bodies work – or don't piece of work. That waiting and hoping isn't enough. Still, every bit I sit down here, in my fifth pregnancy, in the tertiary trimester, wearing my very offset pair of maternity jeans, feeling our baby kick inside me, it is hard non to consider it a wonder that any of united states gets to exist here at all. Especially when there is still then much we don't know.


Source: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2020/may/05/my-four-miscarriages-why-is-losing-a-pregnancy-so-shrouded-in-mystery

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