How to Know if You Need Irrigation Pivot Crop Agricuktyre

System Capacity is the well-nigh of import design benchmark for centre pivot and lateral move (CPLM) systems.  In the past many systems were under-designed to minimise capital price and were not able to match peak ingather water requirements. This has been the single principal reason for CPLM failure.

What is system capacity?

System capacity is the maximum depth of water that can be applied to the entire irrigated area in 1 day, (a system capacity of 12mm per day 24-hour interval ways the machine cannot apply more than 12mm in one twenty-four hours over the entire irrigable area.

It does not mean 12mm is practical in each irrigation event. The machine might be able to apply 24mm in a pass, but this will take two days to embrace the entire irrigated surface area.

Organization chapters is the principal criterion the pump, pipes and sprinkler design are based on, and for a given CPLM can exist calculated as follows:

System chapters (mm/mean solar day) =

pump flowrate (ML/d)  × 100
area irrigated (ha)

Example: a 400 thousand long center pivot irrigates 50 ha. With a pump flow charge per unit of 6ML/day, it has a system chapters of:

6 ML/d) × 100

= 12mm/day

What is managed organization capacity?

The managed system capacity takes into consideration the h2o requirement of the crop, the application efficiency (AE) and the available operating hours of the system (termed pumping utilization ratio PUR).

The managed system capacity is the volume of water actually applied during an irrigation bicycle divided by the surface area irrigated. The managed arrangement capacity is less than the designed system capacity because of system losses and management practices that reduce the time that the automobile is actually operating (maintenance, time of application). Given a known managed organization capacity, the designer tin then calculate the required flow rate and blueprint the system.

If the organisation capacity is as well depression, the organisation may not be able to supply plenty water to meet peak crop requirements. A higher system capacity ensures that the irrigation requirements can exist met comfortably, even under extreme climatic conditions.

Machines with higher system capacities require a greater uppercase cost due to larger piping sizes and pump capacities. A higher capacity automobile will have a higher application rate at the outer end of a pivot which can cause water runoff if the application rate profoundly exceeds soil infiltration rate.

Solutions for reducing impacts of college application rates on the outer edge include the selection of sprinklers with the greatest wetted footprint and spreading out sprinklers perpendicular to the main pipage on outer spans.

Application depth

The depth of water that is applied in an irrigation pass depends on the system chapters of the CPLM and the speed setting of the machine.


  • 12mm/d pin completing its circle in 24 hours applies 12mm – if information technology completes the circle in 48 hours it applies 24mm.

To make up one's mind a suitable system capacity, the post-obit factors must be considered.

Awarding efficiency (AE)

Application efficiency is the proportion of the water applied that the crop tin can use.

Under normal weather condition (no current of air, low evaporation - such as at night), the AE may be 95 per cent or higher. For calculating managed system capacity xc per cent is a conservative AE to assume for peak crop water requirement weather condition.

Operating hours

The Pumping utilisation ratio (PUR) is the proportion of time that the machine needs to operate to supply the peak crop water requirement. Continuous operation over many days should not exist relied upon because breakdowns, ability blackouts and other downwardly-time will occur occasionally.

The recommended maximum PUR of:

  • 0.85 is equivalent to operating for 6 days in 7, or 20 in 24 hours.

For most of the time when crop water use is less than the peak requirement, shorter operating times are needed.


  • During the peak of the growing flavor, the pump averages six days use out of seven (with PUR of 0.85). The center pin's estimated awarding efficiency is 0.90 (90 per cent). The designed arrangement capacity of the organisation is 14mm/day.

Therefore, the managed system capacity is:

  • 14mm ×  0.9 × 8.5 =  10.7  mm/⁄day

A lower PUR may be desirable if functioning primarily on off-peak electricity is planned (off-acme electricity hours of 88 hours per calendar week is a PUR of 0.52), or where a more conservative operating regime is desired.

A conservative PUR requires a higher system capacity (and capital cost) simply gives more flexibility to manage extreme events and down-time.

Peak crop water requirement

This is the highest rate of ingather water apply, unremarkably expressed in mm/twenty-four hour period, and managed organization capacities must be greater than information technology. The height water requirement is ingather and location specific. A 'ingather coefficient' (1000c) is used to express a ingather'south relative water use:

ETc = ET0× Mc

The reference stand of pasture is given a Kc of i.0. Nonetheless, the appropriate One thousandc for mature actively growing lucerne, maize or sorghum is likely to estimate 1.2. This changes with the growth of the crop. A Kc of 1.2 indicates the crop requires 120 per cent of the h2o needed for perennial pasture.

The summit pasture water requirement used in computing arrangement chapters is not the highest daily ET0 just the highest average daily ET0 likely to occur over several days. Three days is generally considered to exist an appropriate interval (Foley, 2008).

The frequency at which a particular three-twenty-four hour period average daily ET0 recurs is a means of calculating the chance that a particular system chapters volition not exist able to supply enough water. Agreement how many extreme iii-twenty-four hour period pinnacle crop evapotranspiration events per year volition occur allows irrigators to decide their own level of risk in relation to their chosen CPLM system capacity.

Figure i shows the frequency that meridian three-day ET0 events occur at different locations in Victoria and southern New Due south Wales (NSW).

Peak evapotranspiration events. Graph showing recurrence of peak 3 day events - 2000 to 2019

From Effigy i, at Kyabram 8mm of boilerplate daily ET0 over three-days (24mm total over three-days) is exceeded iii times in a typical yr. Nonetheless, 9mm of boilerplate daily ET0 over three days is exceeded once every iv years. That means a system able to apply 8mm/day is not able to go along up with crop water demand on three occasions in a typical flavour, where 9mm/solar day is rarely exceeded.

For Deniliquin, 8mm of average daily ET0 over 3-days is exceeded seven times in a typical twelvemonth and 9mm of boilerplate daily ET0 over 3-days is exceeded between once every two years to once every yr.

When calculating desired system capacity to grow perennial pasture at Kyabram, a three-twenty-four hour period average ET0 of 9mm/day is recommended equally the peak ingather water requirement.

The desired managed organization capacity for Kyabram can so be calculated equally follows:

System capacity =

superlative crop water requirement

For the Kyabram instance with superlative crop h2o requirement of 9mm/24-hour interval, an application efficiency of 0.nine and a PUR of 0.85, the minimum managed system chapters will exist 12mm/solar day:

System capacity =

0.9 × 0.85

= 11.8 (≅12)mm/d

Therefore, the recommended minimum organization capacity for perennial pasture at Kyabram is 12 mm/day.

If you are growing other crops like maize, sorghum or Lucerne instead of pasture and so a 'ingather coefficient' (Mc) for that crop should be used. This may require a higher system capacity.


Growing maize in Kyabram will have iii-twenty-four hours average ET0 of 9mm per day with 'crop coefficient' (Kc) of 1.ii when in full canopy. The managed system chapters can be calculated equally:

System capacity =

ET0 × Kc

Organization capacity =

9mm/twenty-four hours × 1.2
0.9 × 0.85

= 14.1 14.1 (≅fourteen mm/twenty-four hour period

Note: The arrangement capacity necessary to meet maximum crop water requirement at Maffra (Gippsland) is significantly lower than for northern Victoria.

What Organization Chapters do I require for my CPLM?

The System Capacity should be sufficient to meet the crop h2o requirements for extreme ET0 events. The method described can be used to calculate the managed organisation capacity for different locations for your CPLM systems. A college system capacity may be preferable only would require a higher capital toll. In determining the system chapters, consider what crops will be grown and include the maximum Kc in your calculations.

Having a lower organisation chapters does non necessarily hateful pasture or crops volition dice in hot weather. Operating a lower organisation capacity auto continuously can maintain soil moisture levels. Still, if the system chapters is lower than the peak h2o requirement, in times of acme ingather water use, the crop volition be extracting water from the soil faster than the CPLM can supplant it, even when operating continuously. Nether this scenario, crop growth will be reduced. In addition, if the CPLM and then breaks down, it can be very difficult to furnish soil moisture levels to maintain optimal production.

With a CPLM, farmers typically aim to irrigate afterward 20 to 25 mm of pasture water apply (ET0) has occurred (xx to 25mm ET0-R). Previous research suggested that if the soil moisture deficit on loamy soils increases to 35 to 40mm, pasture growth slows, and wilting may occur (Wood and Finger 2006).

A CPLM with a marginal system capacity requires a high level of direction to avoid productivity loss, and major ingather losses could occur with a breakdown or power outage. A more conservative (higher) system chapters gives additional security for limited additional capital cost.

System chapters and operating hours

While the system chapters is critical to supply the peak ingather water requirement, information technology as well determines the operating hours necessary in normal weather.

Figure 2 shows an 8mm/day arrangement capacity CPLM applying 6mm needs to operate for xx hours per day, in contrast to the 10mm/day system which takes xvi hours per day and 16mm/24-hour interval arrangement which takes but 10 hours per twenty-four hour period to employ the same amount of water.

Operating hours and system capacity

Low system capacity machines (10mm/d or less in northern Victoria) need to operate continuously to maintain (or minimise the turn down of) soil wet levels in peak demand times and need to operate for long periods in normal summer conditions. A conservative (high) system capacity allows more flexibility of performance and more security.


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